Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cinemagraph PLAN

1) For the first one I'll take pictures of someone's face with their eyebrows moving up and down
2) someone throwing a ball up and down but only the ball moves

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Symbol Tutorial

I REALLY LIKE THIS I had a good time making it and that's when I do my best work I think. I'm proud of this one. I call it "Dudes"

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I chose to create two alternate covers for The Great Gatsby. You may be wondering, "How do these pictures relate to The Great Gatsby at all???????" WELL. For the first one, the creature on top is, of course, Gatsby. The bigger one on bottom is Tom, and the smaller one is Daisy. Nobody really ends up happy in the end of the book, so that's why they are all unhappy looking. Gatsby spends all his time trying to win Daisy over, but in the end she stays with Tom, which is why they are together on bottom. For the second one, there's a picture of the sun. Just before the climax of the book, all of the characters are downtown on the hottest day of the summer. Tensions rise due in part to the heat and an argument occurs, setting in motion the most pivotal events of the book. Both of these pictures represent very important elements of the book.